Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Super Clean!

Unless your fine eye wear is made of wood, leather, or horn, it loves to have regular showers! Rinse your eye wear in tepid or lukewarm water (never hot) a small fraction of a drop of dish soap goes a long way- and avoid any dish soaps that have hand moisturizers in them. To be on the safe side with soap- just use eyeglass cleaner that is safe for use with anti-reflective coating. Both sides of your lenses should get a full shower with cleaner too. Then use a 100% cotton flat cloth that is clean and free of fabric softener residue to wipe surfaces dry. If there is quite a bit of dust, makeup, or whatnot on your frame or lenses (whatnot is quite common) then repeat this process until most streaks have vanished. To remove the last small streaks a microfiber lens cleaning cloth is perfect. After a few uses your cleaning sloth should be laundered. If you'd like a "super cleaning" stop in and we'll give your glasses special treatment!